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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Want to have social networking site?

We believe in making great websites easy!

Look professional with a domain name.
Establish your business’ brand with your own custom domain name, like 
(check our sample site)

Professionalize your site even more with an email address, like, that matches your site’s custom domain name.
Then further professionalize your business image with an email address that matches your website address. All email accounts come with anti-virus and anti-spam options. Manage your email through Microsoft Outlook or access it via the web.
This feature is particularly desirable for businesses. A domain name is the online equivalent of your phone number!

Grow your business with Commerce
Easily sell products on your site 
with a Web Store.

Put on your entrepreneurial hat and make some money!

With the Web Store, you can quickly and easily upload multiple items and images, set your prices, and collect payment via PayPal and/or Google® Checkout.

The Web Store also has an attractive, user-friendly interface that will feel familiar to your customers. Each product is displayed beside its photo, name, and price; by clicking on the name, the user is taken to the item’s detail page with a bigger image and a full description of the product. Visitors can browse items, search for items, and add items to their shopping cart.

You can also reach your overseas customer base by setting prices in U.S. Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, and Euros, and customizing shipping charges and tax rates based on the countries where you are shipping to.

Take the mystique out of SEO Marketing.
Attract more people—and more of the right people—to your site.

Rank highly in search-engine results to drive more traffic to your site.
With Premium Services, you can also generate custom page meta tags for your site. Meta tags are used to categorize your website in search results. Use the Plug in SEO application to get customized advice on how to show up on search engines by developing relevant content, garnering inbound links, and using social media to your advantage.

Bring your site to life with photos & video
Share photos and videos with customers, fans, and friends.

Custom photo albums and dynamic video channels add character to your site.

Upload your photos into albums and then crop, recolor, resize, and rotate your photos right on your site. You can also pull in photos from PhotoBucket and link to photos on another site. Include commenting so people can share their thoughts.

Add videos
to your site and make your own video channel; pull in videos from YouTubeTM or anywhere on the web. You can even search YouTubeTM for videos while inside your Site Builder!
Entrepreneurs, take note: photos and videos can help reinforce your brand. Small businesses in particular benefit from playing up their unique histories on their websites.
Engage visitors with blogs and forums.
Invite site visitors to share their thoughts and experiences.

Tell your readers what makes your site (or business) unique.
Market research has proven that customers feel more connected to a brand when they like the person behind it; to that end, blogs and forums are a great way to convey your own personality. Businesses really benefit from forum conversations, too, which provide valuable insight into customers’ thoughts and experiences.
Whether your site’s visitors are customers, members of your fly-fishing group, or your mother and father, they’ll enjoy the interactivity of a blog or forum where they can post their thoughts, read what others have to say, and join online conversations.

A blog is also a great way to generate fresh content, which helps your site rank highly in search engine results.
Leverage social networking on your site.
Acquire members and integrate with Facebook.

Watch your community of members grow.

Site visitors can “join” your site, create profiles, and contribute to your community by posting comments, photos, videos, and more. You can even designate members to moderate your blog or forum’s conversation. Webs’ existing member base is huge, and these potential customers can join your community with a single click.

Keep members coming back for more by adding them to your own mailing list so you can effortlessly send them updates about new products, sales, and activities. We do the list management so you don’t have to.

Facebook Connect allows you to harness the power of the world’s most popular social network to enhance your site’s interactivity and bolster your site traffic. With a few clicks, you can add a “Login with Facebook” button to your site so members can share the interesting things they see on your site on Facebook.

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